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Aelyria from Canada
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Amber from United States
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Why Ivalice?

Amber from United States
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Has played: Tactics, XII
Why Ivalice?

Anyu from Belgium
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Has played: FF XII
Why Ivalice? The fantastic landscapes

Ash from United States
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Balthea from Canada
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Why Ivalice?

Eimii from United States
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Why Ivalice? The setting, the history, all the politics and intrigue... also the Viera!

Espo from England
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Heaben from Finland
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Janice from Canada
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Has played: Final Fantasy XII, Revenant Wings
Why Ivalice? Ivalice has the most beautiful sky and landscape in Final Fantasy history. How can one not love such classic elegance with her whole heart?

Kerstin from Germany
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Has played: Final Fantasy XII + Revenent Wings, Vagrant Story
Why Ivalice? It's so coloured, mystic and heroic

Kilika from Italy
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Koma from United States
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Larissa from United States
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Has played: FFXII, FFT, FFXII:RW, FFTA, FFTA2, Vagrant Story
Why Ivalice? I love its fascinating politics and its beautiful landscape, and of course the amazing stories told there.

Lestat from United States
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Has played: Final Fantasy XII
Why Ivalice? FFXII was my introduction to the Final Fantasy series when I was in middle school, and I really fell in love with the setting's unique vibrancy! The aesthetics and culture are so singular and beautiful in XII.

LINDSAY from United States
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Has played: NONE
Why Ivalice? NONE

Michelle from United States
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Mikari from United States
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Has played: Tactics Advance
Why Ivalice? Moogles XD

Sarah from United States
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Has played: Final Fantasy XII
Why Ivalice? Just gorgeous! I want to live there!

Solaria from Canada
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Stephanie from Brazil
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Why Ivalice?

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Ivalice is © Square-Enix. No infringement intended.
sky of the ancients is © Larissa, 2008-2025.